The church will remain closed until the end of February 2021 due to COVID-19. Please join us on Sunday mornings @ 10:30am via Zoom for worship. Please see the Worship page for the Zoom link. 

March 23,2020

Dear Members and Friends,

During this time of uncertainty we hope that everyone is staying healthy, taking all the recommended precautions to avoid the COVID-19 virus. Even though our church building is not open we are still the church from our homes. Words from our Executive Presbyter last week: “Our first responsibility is to "seek the welfare of the city we live in" (Jeremiah 29:7), and that welfare is directly related to stopping the rapid spread of Covid-19”.

There is much in the news as to how to respond and what to do amidst this COVID-19 event. Even though we are not meeting during this period of Lent we are definitely on a very unexpected wilderness journey together. We will continue to pray for rapid healing and patience for all. Wisdom and strength for our health care providers.

We encourage you, if able, to visit the PC(USA) website for more information regarding the church’s response to this crisis. ( We will get through this and will once again join together to worship our all loving, powerful and forgiving God. Our plan at this point is to keep the church closed (for all gatherings per our Town Emergency Director and State Governor) until April 5th. This may change but we will keep you informed via our Website (, Facebook (First Presbyterian Church Antrim, NH (PCUSA)), Instagram (fpcantrim01) and WMUR.

We also encourage you during your meditation time to read the weekly Lectionary passages from the Bible. They are as follows:

March 22: 1 Samuel 16:1-13, Psalm 23; Ephesians 5:8-14 and the Gospel Reading: John 9:1-41

March 29: Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 130; Romans 8:6-11 and the Gospel Reading: John 11:1-45

At this time, we are planning to be together again for our Palm Sunday Worship Service on April 5th.

Please let us know if you have any prayer concerns or joys to share with the congregation. Please check on neighbors or people we know who are alone via telephone. For those who are unable to leave their homes there are others of us are able to leave items outside your door. Please be in touch!.

CONVAL End 68 has been busily continuing their food bag distribution and ask that at this time any donation we have to leave at the following sites:

· Peterborough Fire Department, 16 Summer Street, Peterborough (lobby)

· The Masiello Group, 95 Grove Street, Peterborough (entryway)

· Birchwood Inn, 340 NH Rt. 45, Temple (entryway)

· Soul Yoga Studio, Union Mill, West Peterborough (hallway)

· Union Congregational Church, 33 Concord Street, Peterborough (Follow driveway around

behind the church; bin is at top of entrance ramp)

· Trends of Fashion, 46 Main Street, Antrim (during business hours only)

· Dublin Community Church, 1125 Main Street, Dublin (office entryway)

In addition to our ministry continuing during this time our church expenses remain constant so we encourage everyone who is able to do so, to mail their tithes and offerings to the church at PO Box 186, Antrim, NH. 03440.

We thank you in advance for your continued financial support.

While the building is closed the telephone answering machine is not checked as often. We encourage everyone to reach out to the Elders or the Pastor through the following contacts:

Pastor Jan Howe


Elder Sarah Edwards, Clerk

Elders: Debbie Brown Ted Brown David Dalhberg Tom Davision Jesse Edwards Patty Grant

Let’s do our part to flatten the curve.

Sending you all Christ’s love and peace,

Pastor Jan and the Session of the First Presbyterian Church